Khadija Hoosain

Khadija Hoosain

Programme Team

Student Support and Development Advisor

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

My alma mater

University of Cape Town and Stellenbosch University

Your company name and/or personal brand statement that aligns with the mission of the programme in which you are involved

Throughout our lives, it is important to constantly reflect in order to learn and grow.

Your company name and/or personal brand statement that aligns with the mission of the programme in which you are involved

I believe that the future of education is rooted in the transition to the online space, where accessibility and inclusivity presents fewer obstacles.

Personal and professional goals

My personal goal is to empower myself to give back to the community in any way and form possible. Similarly, my professional goal is to continuously work on and improve my skills and abilities to support and empower students in their academic journey.

A relevant achievement or accomplishment – including professional and other qualifications

I have an Honours degree in Organisational Psychology and I am currently completing a Master of Commerce degree in Industrial Psychology while juggling a full time job.

Overview of qualifications, skills and areas of expertise

My background in Psychology and Industrial Psychology has provided me with the expertise to excel in the field of wellness and student coaching. My driving passion revolves around empowering individuals, helping them unlock their true potential and guiding them towards becoming the best versions of themselves.