We know that every prospective CA(SA) is different, and a one-size-fits-all approach to studying doesn’t work for everyone.
We offer courses that are structured around empowering you with support and flexibility so that you can maximise your potential and become the best CA(SA) you can be.
I went for it and enjoyed it!
I enjoyed the fact that if you don’t know, you are able to ask and get an answer [from the lecturers]. The recorded lecturers were so helpful because I knew that if I missed a class I could always go back and listen; that really helped me
Karabo Nteta
I am forever indebted to the Milpark/CA Connect team.
Without you, I would not be able to say I have a PGDA/CTA, and I would certainly not be able to (hopefully) call myself a CA(SA). I will advocate for this programme to everyone because this programme works. I and the rest of the class are proof that this programme works!
Mark Tipping
The lecturers were so approachable. My interaction with the institution felt more like connecting with a family than being at an actual university lecture
Studying online requires independence and self-discipline, but the structure and built-in support system at CA Connect was comprehensive. For Rohwan, it was much easier to digest information from online lectures and material than in a conventional academic setting. Instead of attending a lecture after a long day of work, he could watch a five-minute video, which he could rewatch as many times as he needed to grasp it. “The lecturers were so approachable. My interaction with the institution felt more like connecting with a family than being at an actual university lecture,” says Rohwan.
Rohwan Naidoo
The staff at Milpark CA Connect are amazing!
For Rune Maritz, it came as a surprise to find out she not only passed her SAICA ITC board exam – but also beat more than 2,000 students to claim her place as the country’s top student 2022.
Maritz gives plenty of credit to the lecturers at Milpark. “The staff at Milpark CA Connect are amazing,” she says. “Coming from a contact learning background, I didn’t know what to expect when I started.”
Rune Maritz
I loved the programme as a student – the way the content is communicated and how Milpark makes you feel like you are more than just a student number
Ndivhuwo Nethononda
Despite facing many challenges, CA Connect student Miriro Mlilo from Zimbabwe not only passed her Namibian ITC exam this year, but she also received the top marks of all students taking the exam.
Miriro says Milpark’s approach changed her framework for learning. She liked the well-structured lessons and interactive format as well as the friendly and positive instruction, which encourages students to feel supported and sets out to empower them on their academic journey. She also valued the quality of the programmes, and the way lecturers were truly invested in the success of each student.
Miriro Mlilo
I heard really good things about the support at Milpark, which at traditional universities sometimes feels non-existent.
Amy Wood’s residential university’s transition to online learning during COVID-19 had already given Amy a taste of what remote learning would be like. “I ended up doing a lot better when I was at home,” she said. “And the fact that Milpark would let me carry on with that really drew me.
With her previous struggles, having extra support in a higher education context was crucial to Amy. She also realised that she felt like her anxiety was exacerbated by the noise and number of people at university campuses. “I found it very overstimulating and hard to focus,” she reflected. “Being in my own space meant there were no distractions, and I wasn’t on edge about people being around me.”
Amy Wood
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