All students have the opportunity to the Bridging programme in 6 months.
- Teaching is all online and the programme offers significant flexibility to work at any time that suits you.
- To have a realistic chance of success over 6 months, a consistent 40 hours of study each week is necessary.
- We call this a “full workload”.
- This workload is consistent with other distance and contact institutions’ workloads.
- If you can’t commit to a full workload, you have the option to complete the programme over 1 year on a half workload.
- Required hours can include time on weekends and outside office hours. If you hold a job and can make space for a full workload, you can choose to do the programme in 6 months.
The programme has 4 compulsory modules. To obtain entrance into our SAICA-accredited CTA, all 4 modules need to be passed in a rolling 3-year period. The 4 modules are:
- Financial Reporting (FREP01-OS)
- Taxation (TAXA01-OS)
- Management Accounting & Finance (MACF01-OS)
- Corporate Governance & Auditing (CGAU01-OS)
Full Workload Details
- To complete the programme in 6 months, a full workload is required.
- You register for all four modules at the same time.
- You pay for and complete all 4 modules in 6 months.
Half Workload Details
- You register for 2 modules in each half of the year.
- You can choose the order in which you complete the modules.
- You pay for 2 modules in each 6-month period. This spreads the full cost over one year.