Written by Milpark

A story about how overcoming self-doubt can lead to successfully completing the journey ahead.

Inspired by the words of Jennifer Lee to “be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire,’ Milpark graduate Andiswa Ntantiso has demonstrated remarkable persistence on her journey to becoming a chartered accountant (CA).

The road has been longer than she anticipated. Andiswa received the wonderful news that she had finally passed her Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (PGDA) fourth time around, on her 33rd birthday. The same year, she was chosen for the International Women’s Forum South Africa (IWFSA) FASSET Women’s Leadership Programme.

Setbacks and Detours

Andiswa’s dream began in high school. A teacher, Mrs Campbell, suggested that she investigate becoming a chartered accountant. “It’s a profession that pays well and requires integrity; both are important to me. As the first in my family to study this degree, I was determined to be able to give back to them.”

There were many setbacks along the way. After her third unsuccessful attempt at the PGDA, Andiswa was filled with self-doubt. “Failure is extremely demotivating; it impacted how I felt about myself.”

Believing she may never qualify, and interested in entrepreneurship, Andiswa ventured into business with a former colleague from university. Before it could fully get off the ground, COVID-19 struck. “We both started looking for jobs.”

A Turning Point

Andiswa was soon snapped up as a financial accountant. It was in this role that her dream was reignited. “Recognising potential, my line manager, Tanya Rae, asked if funding was the only barrier to studying again. Battling self-doubt, she helped me to secure a bursary.” The funding enabled Andiswa to try again.

As it had been a few years since she last studied, Andiswa was required to complete our Bridging Course in Advanced Accounting (which has recently received SAICA recognition). Passing the short course restored hope; “It got me into a rhythm of studying again and helped to build the discipline to balance studies, life and a hectic work schedule.”

For Andiswa, studying online worked brilliantly: “The material is always accessible, so you set the pace and schedule a timetable that suits your work-life priorities. You can even write exams at home.”

She also appreciated the support from the Milpark team, her partner, family and colleagues: “I didn’t ever feel I was in it alone.”

Read More: From Failing to Passing at Milpark: My Success Story

A Clear Vision

Andiswa feels that more than half her battle was mental. She used vision boards, inspirational quotes and scriptures to remind her what she wanted and why.

She started the PGDA with her birthday in mind. “My wish was to gift myself the qualification. That’s exactly what happened! I received the congratulatory SMS from Milpark on my birthday!”

Doors are now open that Andiswa thought were permanently closed, “I had begun to think I was too old, it was too late, that I wouldn’t be able to qualify as a CA while working full time. But age has got nothing to do with it. Self-doubt had crept in, but I pushed through and proved to myself that I could do it”

Leadership and Impact

Andiswa is also driven by a passion for leadership and empowering others. Her selection for the IWFSA Leadership Programme is taking her another step closer to realising her long-term goal – transforming education in townships.

“Ultimately, I want to open schools in low-income communities. Talent is often missed because of limited access to good educational facilities. I want to build top quality schools that equip children with everything they need to reach their dreams and help to build a better South Africa.”

Andiswa hopes her story will encourage others to be fearless in their pursuit of success. “Don’t compare yourself to others and don’t give up. Shut out the noise and remember why you are doing it – for what sets your soul on fire.”

Practical Tips to Build Resilience and Persistence

Aspiring chartered accountant and future leader, Andiswa Ntantiso completed her PGDA fourth time around. She shares five practical lessons on persevering in the face of failure.

  1. Persistence pays off: Don’t give up.
  2. Self-care is critical: Take care of yourself – mentally, physically and emotionally.
  3. Stay focused: Remember the goal and visualise it daily.
  4. Believe in yourself: Use affirmations and mental notes. When you believe you can do it you can.
  5. Seek and accept support from family, friends, colleagues and lecturers. You don’t have to do it alone.

Final Thoughts

Andiswa Ntantiso’s inspiring journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, self-belief and the support of those around her. Overcoming self-doubt is not a one-time event but a continuous process that requires resilience and a clear vision.

If you, like Andiswa, are ready to overcome self-doubt and pursue a rewarding career in accounting, now is the time to take action.

If you are interested in a career in accounting? Explore Milpark’s courses here and take your first step towards your future.

Apply today and let your journey from self-doubt to success begin.